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4 ways to get back into work mode

As the summer draws to a close and most of us get back to work, the long lazy (sometimes!) sunny days give way to moving into a productive headspace, re-visiting goals and making plans for the last few months of 2019.

Whether you took a long summer break or not, I’m sure you noticed that August takes on a slower feel. If you did take a break – I hope you enjoyed it! And, if you didn’t, I hope you were able to use the slower pace to your advantage. Whatever you’ve been doing, here are some tips to recharge your work mindset

Create a new routine; if you’re looking for ways to feel motivated and switched on, change things up! Make a conscious effort to go to bed at a time which allows you to get a good amount of rest, minimise your screen time and create new habits to start your day right, this could include some morning meditation, exercise or planning a wholesome breakfast! Give yourself time ample time to get to meetings / appointments so you’re not starting the day rushing.

Devise a 2 week plan; get some focus by planning the things you really want to get done in your first 2 weeks back, this will stave off feelings of overwhelm and enable you to work productively. You will also feel motivated as you work through the plan and see the results.

Focus on one thing at a time; so you have your plan and know what you want to get done, through your day set a timer and do one thing at a time. If you decide to start by tackling your inbox focus on it for an allotted amount of time before you move on to the next thing. You may not answer every email in that time but with focus and sustained effort you will achieve more than trying to frantically multitask in those first days back.

Prioritise; remember, not everything is urgent. What are the significant actions that will make a real difference to you and your business and what are the superfluous ones? Distinguish between them and focus on the things that will make a difference, you’ll feel more motivated as you see the difference you are making and you will feel like you are making real progress.

Above all else, be kind to yourself! After a break it’s natural to get the ‘blues’ give yourself permission to easy your way back gently if that’s what you need!

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