In a noisy world where everyone is jostling to be heard from interpersonal relationships to business collaborations, social posts to events and conferences, we all want to use our voices and get messages across. But how much are we listening, I mean really listening?
I, like most of us have become accustomed to the mindless scrolling and at times pointless rabbit holes that social media can take us down. Or being in the company of others whilst having broken conversations and then, forgetting what was said; I think it’s safe to say we have all been guilty of this at some point over the last few weeks.
Research has shown that listening improves productivity, and this can be said in all areas of our lives. It’s important to remember that listening is not just about hearing words or listening to respond; so not really hearing. Real listening also sometimes called active listening is when you listen to understand, you put your assumptions to the side and hear what the person is saying. A Forbes study has shown that 68% of employees believe their managers don’t listen to them, highlighting a real opportunity that exists for better leadership and to cultivate better work environments.
So, what does active listening involve? It involves being curious, showing empathy, suspending judgement and asking open ended questions. When there is active listening in the workplace, it encourages collaboration and growth, trust and understanding. When there is active listening at home it leads to more calm, understanding, patience and joy – this is speaking as a parent of teenagers!
As we settle into the summer break, use this time as a reset. Take time to have an honest appraisal of how you spend your time. Create some space for quiet to listen to your own thoughts and what you need for your own well-being. Think about how you listen in your personal relationships, model good listening, put your devices to the side and really notice what’s going on around you.
At work, connect better with your managers, peers and team members, listen to understand not to respond. Develop active listening in the key areas of your life and notice the difference it makes.