In her book Drop the Ball, Tiffany Dufu writes about the value of building an effective 'eco-system of people' in your personal and professional life.

We all aim to surround ourselves with those who lift us and inspire us - yet we can make this work for us even more by becoming intentional about the people we allow into our lives. By consciously building an effective eco-system in our business we can achieve our goals and be more fulfilled.
The members of the eco-system as described by Tiffany in her book, which really stood out for me, were:
Sage Mentors
These are the experienced members of your network, those who have been there and done that. These are also the people that SEE you, warts and all. These are perhaps some of the most precious members of your network. They are your wise ‘aunties’. As much as they see you they are also brutally honest with you, they see patterns in your behaviour and they are not afraid to call you out. These are the people who you can go to whatever the situation and their wisdom, love and belief in you means they will always help you find the answers.
Peer Mentors
These are the ones who are on their journey alongside you. These are the people who understand where you are; they are supportive and empathetic. As well as a safety net for one another you also act as accountability partners. You help each other up and are there to listen when needed.
These people believe in your ability and will talk you up when you are not in the room to do it yourself. They are the people with a wide influential network of contacts which they're willing to use to help you and lobby for your success. They will always endorse you and your skills. This endorsement builds your credibility.
These are the members of your circle who keep you fresh and inspire you the most. They show you what’s possible. They give a very unique insight.
My goal for 2019 is to develop my circle to ensure I have all bases covered. Take a look at your circle, where have you got it nailed and where are the gaps?